Prowire Group

Level 2 Electrical Services

About Service

Beyond the Basics

In the intricate realm of electrical services, Level 2 stands out as a domain requiring utmost precision, specialized knowledge, and a rigorous adherence to safety standards. At Prowire Group, we pride ourselves on being adept masters in this niche field.


Our Level 2 services bridge the gap between standard electrical work and the complex world of electricity networks. Whether it’s establishing overhead connections, intricately laying out underground networks, or managing meter installations and upgrades, our team boasts both the expertise and experience to handle tasks of this magnitude.


Safety remains paramount in everything we do. Our Level 2 certified electricians undergo rigorous training and are updated with the latest industry standards, ensuring each project is executed seamlessly and securely. From initial consultations to the final testing phase, we provide comprehensive solutions that align with both regulatory requirements and our clients’ specific needs.


Prowire Group’s commitment to excellence in Level 2 services ensures that whether you’re connecting a new property to the grid or upgrading an existing infrastructure, every detail is handled with the precision and care it deserves.